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  Title Copies
Decisions Against Nature: An Anthropological Study of Agriculture in Northern Thailand 
Year: 1977 
Call No: AGC/020 
The Salween Under Threat: Damming the Longest Free River in Southeast Asia 
Edition: First Edition 
Year: 2017 
ISBN: 9741332459 
ISBN 13: 9789741332458 
Call No: ASA/087 
An Evaluation of Small-Scale Freshwater Rural Aquaculture Development for Poverty Reduction 
Year: 2005 
ISBN: 9715615503 
Call No: AGC/007 
Critical Issues in Asian Development: Theories, Experiences and Policies 
Year: 1997 
ISBN: 0195878388 
ISBN 13: 9780195878387 
Call No: ASA/023 
Connecting Nations, Linking People 
Year: 2005 
Call No: AGC/019 
Greater Mekong Subregion Strategic Framework and Action Plan for Biotechnology and Biosafety - Supporting Technical Papers 
Year: 2008 
Call No: AGC/034 
Health and Education Needs of Ethnic Minorities in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region 
Year: 2000 
Call No: AGC/035 
Irrigation Management Transfer: Strategies and Best Practices 
Year: 2008 
Call No: AGC/041 
Burma behind the Mask 
Edition: 1st 
Year: 1996 
ISBN: 9080299928 
ISBN 13: 9789080299924 
Call No: ASA/013 
Democratic transitions in Asia 
Year: 2017 
ISBN: 9814022179 
ISBN 13: 9789814022170